What is love? Love can be described in many ways but central to any definition of love is the understanding that love is active and not passive. Love requires actions that demonstrate the love that one has for another. The story of “Sydney & Ziggy” is a story about love. It is the story of the love that united a little girl named Sydney with a lost puppy named Ziggy, the love they shared with each other, and the love that kept them together. Using the examples of these active expressions of love, this serves as a metaphor to illustrate the love that brought Sydney into our lives.
Children are a blessing. For parents, our journey towards parenthood follows many possible paths. For many parents, their journey to parenthood travels along a long and windy road full of twists, turns, bumps, and detours before ultimately arriving at their blessed destination. For parents who take the adoption road, the road less traveled, the journey is fulfilling and revealing in unique ways.To be an adoptive parent, it is a humbling thought to embrace that out of the billions of possible parents in the world, God specifically chose you to parent, nurture, guide, and lead your child into all that she or he was created to be. For an adopted child, realizing that God has a calling on your life so special that it can only be fulfilled through the adoptive parents that He chose for you, is a realization that allows them to embrace their own unique greatness and propel them to soar to the highest of heights.
The story of “Sydney & Ziggy” is a story that illustrates adoption as an active expression and manifestation of love. It is a story about selfless sacrifice, about giving, about caring, and a story about love in action. It presents the concept of adoption to young readers by making an analogous comparison to the adoption of a new pet into the family home. Based on a true story, “Sydney & Ziggy” will invite the reader to see and understand what true love is by seeing it in action. All children are deserving of love. All children are deserving of the brightest opportunity to be all who God has created them to be. God has a special calling on the life of each and every child and chooses exactly how to get them to fulfill that calling. For Sydney, He chose adoption and He chose us. This is her story. This is our story. This is love.
- L.C. Walters